Dr. Ramin Foroughi, DDS Periodontist & Dental Implant Specialist
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Dr. Ramin Foroughi, DDS is a Periodontist in Reading Dental Associates. Dr. Ramin was born and raised in Los Angeles where who completed his undergraduate degree at UCLA and his Doctorate of Dental Surgery degree at USC in 2017. He worked as a dentist in Austin, Texas and Chicago, Illinois for 4 years before deciding to specialize in periodontics and implants. He moved to Boston to complete his Periodontics residency at Boston University in 2024.
Dr. Ramin is well versed all in periodontal surgeries, including extractions, Implants, Sinus lifts, Pocket reduction surgeries for periodontal disease, gingival grafts for treatment of recession, bone regeneration (both around teeth and areas for implants), and full mouth rehabilitation cases. Dr. Ramin’s main focus is to makes sure patients understand the reason why we treat the areas of concern and to make sure patients feels comfortable and know what to expect in terms of the treatment.
Dr. Ramin has a focus on being up to date with technology as it is rapidly changing. As a result, Dr. Ramin is well versed in the most modern digital implant planning methods and plans all his implants digitally before placing them.